Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Day 1 and 2 I flew to Bangkok from Springfield through Chicago and Tokyo. I won't bore you with stories of that ordeal except to say I made it past the icy storm that swept the mid-west but lost a day on the trip. That cut my Bangkok stay short by 24 hours. I'll miss it.

I did spend my first day in Bangkok at three landmark destinations as well as some shopping and dining. My first tourist stop was the Grand Palace (current King and Queen) here are a few pictures.

The next stop was Wat Arun Ratchawararam (Arun Royal Temple of King Rama II). And finally on my tour for the first day in Bangkok was the famous 50 meter Buddha. It was impressive!

1 comment:

  1. Bangkok...I am really ready to go there!! It looks fabulous!
